Monday, August 15, 2011

New Reviews

We attended a game fair with our son and daughter-in-law this weekend. Granddog Bear was so very excited. It was like taking a kid to a carnival the way he wiggled in line waiting for his turn. We were very impressed by his performances, although we always are, and seeing his abilities compared to other dogs was eye opening even for us. Now we not only think he’s talented, we know it. Furthermore, his manners are excellent. (I felt bad for some of the other dogs behaviors, and their owners.) But then again, Bear did graduate Top Dog with Honors from obedience class recently.

I’ve received several reviews lately –all for the Quinter Bride series. I do miss those Quinter boys, might have to consider moving on to the next generation. Lots of other things to complete first, though.  Anyway…I so appreciate those who take the time to read and share their thoughts on my stories. It’s a perk that always brightens my day. Here there are:

Four hearts from The Romance Reviews for Wild Cat Bride.

Five hearts from Sizzling Hot Reviews for Boot Hill Bride.

Five hearts from Sizzling Hot Reviews for Guardian Bride.

Five hearts from Sizzling Hot Reviews for Shotgun Bride.

Four hearts from Sizzling Hot Reviews for Badland Bride.

So very exciting!

Off to get in some writing time yet today. There’s a lot going on in the world. Be kind with your thoughts, actions, and words, it does make a difference.

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