Friday, January 16, 2009

Tag, you're it!

This morning I was ‘tagged’ by Paty Jager. (Bless her little heart, she knows I have an MS I’m working on!)

Paty, by the way, set an exercise goal this year and is walking over two miles (across rough terrain) every day…Way to go Paty! If it would ever warm up in Minnesota, I might consider walking further than from the front door to the garage in the morning and back again at night.

Anyway, for this game of tag the rules are:

Link to the person who tagged you; write down six things that make you happy; post the rules; tag six others and let them know you’ve done it; tell the person who tagged you when your entry is up.

Six Things That Make Me Happy--

1) My family—the whole gamut, from grandkids to parents, and all those assorted ‘twice removed’ cousins and shirttail relations. There is always something happening or someone around that makes me smile!

2) Our animals. Over the years we’ve had some wonderful companions, and the trio of dogs living in our house right now are a hoot!

3) Writing, writing, and writing. If someone told me they’d give me a million bucks if I never wrote again, I’d have to decline. Pulling up my latest MS always makes me happy.

4) Hearing from readers, whether it’s a review house, a friend, or an email from a stranger. I love the idea of making someone else happy, and knowing one of my stories provided them with entertainment and delight is the ultimate.

5) My Mustang. I can’t believe an inanimate object could ever instill this much passion, but Sissy does. And considering the number of years I dreamed about her makes her seem like a fairytale everyday. (Yes, she is still in storage, and I’m anxiously awaiting spring…or summer depending on the length of the deep freeze we are experiencing in Minnesota right now.)

6) Crawling into bed every night and thanking the good Lord for the life He is encouraging me to live.

Now for six people to tag…Hmmm…since I love historical romance, especially western, I think I’ll go for six authors who write them. (Several of these writers post on the Cactus Rose Blog, be sure to check it out!)

Nancy Henderson
Tanya Hanson
Celia Yeary
Linda LaRoque
Deborah Schneider
Anna Small


Paty Jager said...

Those are six lovely things to make you happy and you know I can't believe I didn't put writing on mine, but you know- it's a given for me any more.

Thanks for playing!

Nancy Henderson said...

Thanks for the tag, Lauri! This was fun!

Linda LaRoque said...

Thanks for the tag, Lauri. Love the Mustang.


Unknown said...

Nice things that make you happy--loved reading them. Now, I'll figure out what to do next. Later! Celia

Tanya Hanson said...

Hi, this was fun, Lauri. Now I gotta figure out how to tag back LOL.


Lauri said...

Yes, Paty, I know for you writing is a given, like breathing!

Thanks, Nancy, I'll be over to check your happy things! (Had company all weekend, and just getting to the computer.)

Thanks, Linda! I love the mustang too!

Celia, let me know where you post your happy things so I can read them!

Thanks, Tanya, but there are no 'tag backs' in this game. LOL

Thanks for playing everyone, and have a great week!