Friday, December 16, 2016

Happy Friday!

I hope you are all making fabulous progress in your holiday preparations.  Santa has stopped by our house a couple of times already this year. It’s a good thing he wasn’t expecting cookies either time. 

Because…On Thanksgiving Day, I took the pumpkin pies out of the oven and slid in the turkey, when, moments later, what to my wondering eyes did appear—FLAMES as the heating element shorted out and caught fire! 

I pulled out my old trusty portable roaster and we still had a wonderful Thanksgiving feast.  The next day, I ordered a new element. It arrived a couple of days later and hubby put it in. All worked fine for two days. Then POOF, with a puff of black smoke from the control panel, the entire stove quit. So, the next day, we went and bought a new stove. 

HOWEVER, it won’t be delivered until December 22nd. For the past few weeks, I’ve discovered what can and can’t be cooked in a microwave, electric frying pan, or crock pot. I’ve also learned that some things can, and turn out remarkably well. We’ve also taken advantage of the local restaurants that deliver, so it truly hasn’t been all that bad. 

We’ve already had a fair amount of winter weather, with more to come this weekend. Sub-zero temperatures along with several more inches of snow are forecasted for this weekend. After an outing this evening for a holiday party, I plan on spending the weekend snug and warm at home, writing. It shall be lovely. 

Almost as lovely as my new cover! I just received this yesterday and couldn’t be happier with it. I do believe Harlequin's cover artists are some of the best out there!  The Cowboy's Orphan Bride will be released in April. As children Garth and Bridgette vowed to be each other’s family, and were, until shipped west on an orphan train. The story takes place years later, when they ‘stumble’ across each other.  

I’m off to pick up a few things for this evening, so must log off. Stay happy, and warm, and enjoying all the blessings of the season!

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