Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Safety Awareness/Self Defense

Between work, evening commitments, and raspberry plants that are producing berries the size of grapes, I haven’t gotten much writing done this week. I have made three batches of raspberry jam and most likely will get another three or four batches the way the plants are going, so we’ll have plenty to last all winter.

On Monday I attended a Safety Awareness/Self Defense class. It was very interesting, and I’d suggest every woman attend one! (I'd taken one years ago and signed up for this one at our Ladies Night Out.) This was put on by our sheriff’s department. It was three hours long and they talked a lot about safety awareness, i.e. how to make sure your home or car ISN”T inviting for robbers, where to park in parking lots, and how to profile your surroundings. We also learned ‘break away’ tips if you are grabbed, how to use personal safety devices, i.e. pepper spray, and some jabs and kicks. One of my daughters-in-law attended with me and was my partner for the self defense part. At one point while I was holding the ‘punching pad’ she started laughing and said, “How many girls get the chance to beat up their mother-in-law!”

One tip they told us was attackers HATE long fingernails. They said Ted Bundy claimed he never attacked a woman with long nails. So, ladies, go get a manicure!

On to writing...When I sat down at the computer Sunday evening, the fourth Quinter Brother, Snake, wanted me to spend some time on his story…Five chapters later I finally made it to bed. Yes, I was tired Monday morning! But the story was flowing so I couldn’t stop. I’m hoping for a block of time yet this week to pull it up again!

I received a pre-review on Kendra’s Choice. The reader said it had her hooked from page one, and fell in love with Sterling to the point she wished she was Kendra. LOL.

1 comment:

Paty Jager said...

The workshops sounds like fun and good info.
Wow! I don't think I've ever written five pages in one sit down. I'm in awe!

Kendra's Choice is an awesome story I don't doubt you'll get many good reviews for it.