Thursday, December 23, 2021

Merry Christmas


Choir programs, band concerts, and Christmas plays have all been a part of the countdown to Christmas for our family. Each one has been wonderful, as has been the candy and cookie making, shopping and gift wrapping. However, fifteen years ago today we were blessed with the best Christmas present ever—the birth of our first grandchild, Isabelle. Her birthday started out with her passing her driver’s education permit test this morning, followed by a celebration for lunch at her favorite restaurant, and then a shopping trip to spend some of her birthday money.

Isabelle is truly an amazing young lady, and I credit her for the first book in my Osterlund Saga. You can read more about that on the Mills and Boon Blog, but ultimately, a couple of years ago she had read a book set during the ‘dirty thirties’ and loaned it to me afterwards. It was an excellent book about a thirteen-year-old during the depression and the two of us had a great discussion about the story.

Isabelle and her sister, Hayley, are both avid readers and were always asking when I was going to write a book that they could read. In 2020, when the pandemic restrictions closed schools, the three of us wrote one together, and we are all excited that Becoming a Randal will be released in 2022 through the Fire and Ice, Young Adult Line of Melange Books.  

The Osterlund Saga is now available for pre-orders, with actual release dates being December 28, 2021 for Marriage or Ruin for the Heiress and January 25, 2022 for The Heiress and the Baby Boom

Creating books set in the 1930’s and the 1950’s was a lot of fun, as was the ability to write from generation to generation of the same family.

And that—family—is what Christmas is all about. All of us being together as we count our blessings and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. Our family tradition is to open gifts from each other on Christmas Eve, so that will fill our day tomorrow and then we’ll gather again on Christmas Day for more fun, food, and laughter, and of course to hear what Santa Claus left under the trees while everyone was sleeping.

Our youngest granddaughter is two and she’s not so sure about a guy who hides from people and sneaks in their houses to leave presents for kids, but I’m sure she’ll be full of excitement when she tells us what he left for her!

As I count my blessings, each and every person who has read my books is included. You are the reason I write them, so thank you. You are my wishes come true.

Merry Christmas!

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