Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Cover Reveal


The first book in the Osterlund Saga, Marriage or Ruin for the Heiress, will be released on December 28, 2021.  When writing (and reading) a book, we get to know the characters well, and it was so wonderful to be able to write two book and two generations back-to-back for this saga. In this book, set during the great depression when nearly every family had fallen on hard times, Jolie and Randal must work through biases and differences in order to provide financially for their families. While doing so, they set the future for their own family, and the ability to write the story of their daughter into the next book, The Heiress and the Baby Boom,was really enjoyable. Set in the 1950’s, during a time of great economic growth, it’s Randi and Jason turn to build a future, and to add to the baby boom era. Their story will be released on January 25, 2022.

Another release in 2022 will be a story set in England during the Victorian era, where the heroine, Annabelle Smith, is sent to England by her step-father to remain safe during the U.S. Civil War. In England, Annabelle discovers a past she’d never known about and one that has her questioning her own identity.

Also in 2022 will be a project that I’m very excited about. My granddaughters and I wrote a middle grade/young adult story last year and it’s now scheduled to be released in February. More to come on that when I know more from the publisher.

The transition from summer to fall is happening. We’ve been stacking cords of wood in the woodshed, raking leaves, cutting back flower beds, and freezing the last of the garden goods. The deer had attacked the tomato plants and ate the last of the green tomatoes, and they hit the banana pepper plant, but spit them out on the ground. I'm thankful for their thoughtfulness in helping me clear out those plants. 😀

Stay safe and well, and enjoy all the wonderful fall activities!

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